Urška Starc Peceny

Erfahrungsbericht Gastunternehmerin

Foto zeigt Urška Starc Peceny und Tjaša Zornik
© Urška Starc Peceny

Die Unternehmerin Urška Starc Peceny war schon mehrfach Gastunternehmerin und erzählt hier von ihrem erfolgreichen Austausch mit Tjaša Zornik.

Design meets communication

Urška is an Austrian entrepreneur who has been working in the field of communications and storytelling of innovation for over 15 years. She believes in empowering young people by helping them gain more experience while entering the real world of business. This is the reason why she has been participating in many projects such as NASA Space Apps Challenge, ESA BIC, Tourism 4.0, etc. She is living the international spirit and likes to support young entrepreneurs with their business ideas.

Tjaša Zornik comes from Slovenia and is the founder of an agency for web design and development, graphic design, photography and digital marketing. She joined the Erasmus program to gain new insights into her business. As Urška was interested in gaining knowledge in the field of graphic design and web technologies, this cooperation seemed to be the perfect match. Before starting the exchange, both were already highly motivated -several online meetings took place to write a detailed activity plan.

The exchange became a very fruitful one. Tjaša was involved in visual communication and graphic design, branding, website developing and communication as well as in marketing and communication through social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. She actively worked on relevant projects, carried out day-to-day activities and participated in business meetings and events.

Tjaša’s design skills and knowledge gradually improved with every project through the duration of the exchange. Thanks to her work with Urška, she got a feeling of what running a business is like in practice.

How Urška profited: supported by Tjaša’s design skills, it was possible to visualize concepts in a very innovative way. She was able to listen, consult and finally transform an idea into a professional-looking graphic, a process to an infographic. A good quality visual presentation made it easier to communicate their ideas to the public. As a passionate communicator, Urška profited from Tjaša’s fresh ideas and perspectives in relation to ongoing projects.


Erasmus für Jungunternehmen ist eine Initiative der Europäischen Union. 

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