Passion for Craftsmanship and Modern Design

Audrey and Nuriel Molcho are hatmakers and are now being supported by Karina Kozare from Latvia. 

© Nuriel Molcho

Nuriel and Audrey Molcho, a husband-and-wife team, combine traditional craftsmanship and heritage with modern, contemporary ideas. In the heart of the unique atmosphere of Vienna's Naschmarkt, they run Nomade Moderne, where they craft bespoke hats for their clients.

Karina Kozare from Latvia aspires to start her own business and work as a hatmaker. Her background in costume design and her experience in handcrafting clothing have sharpened her creativity and eye for detail. She specializes in creating personalized, one-of-a-kind hat designs. Through the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program, aspiring entrepreneurs have the opportunity to collaborate with experienced host entrepreneurs. "I’ve already learned a lot of practical skills here—we produce hats together, and I continuously improve my techniques and discover new designs," says Karina. The exchange has also been invaluable for her entrepreneurial growth: "I work with customers, both online and offline, and I am learning the day-to-day operations of running a business."

For Nuriel and Audrey, the collaboration has been equally valuable. "Through Karina, we can explore and implement new ideas, while expanding our knowledge of the Baltic market," says Nuriel Molcho.

Erasmus: More Information Further Reports

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is an initiative of the European Union.

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Leidenschaft für Handwerk und modernes Design

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